10. I have maintained good relationship with my closest friends back in Laguna. Meeting them at least twice a month were really enjoyable.
9. Travels :) God really knows the desire of our heart and it is not a secret that I would like to travel every part of the Philippines (Love your own ika nga). He provided for all my leisure travel.
8. Provision for my investment. We all have to prepare for the future and of course be good steward of our finances.
7. Thankful of for all the relationships I kept for 2013. There were times that I must cut off some relationships that were causing too much. Stronger relationship with Benj's family, they have been with me through ups and downs.
6. Was able to read more books this 2013
5. Benj is officialy part of Ubelt's music team :)
4. Treat my nieces and parents :)
3. Provision all throughout 2013 (placements, finances, everything)
2. 2013 was a challenging year for me and Benj. With God's help we surpassed all the challenges
1. Life Group in our office :)
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